
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

What's Happened So Far: Part 2

Wow, this is long overdue.

Let’s do a quick re-cap of my trip to Seoul, shall we?

First, there was a lot of walking involved. A LOT. We went to Gyeongbok Palace (경복궁) the first day there. There are free tours offered, which I didn’t know until a middle school came up to us wearing a sash and asked if we wanted a tour guide for the palace. Word to the wise, it was okay to say yes in this case but I’d be wary of letting strangers guide me to less popular or busy areas.

Then, we went to a street market and got food. The amazing part about this market was that you could pay 5,000 won to get a food tray and some coins to purchase food around the market. It was pretty awesome, even though some of my food choices weren’t the best… But, hey, trying new foods.

Next… shopping. I’ll skip over the details of that. I got clothes. The end.

We also went to a trick eye museum. I have yet to upload those images, which I really should. What’s the point of going to a trick eye museum without pictures, right? They also had an ice museum, which would be fantastic to explore on a hot day.

After that, dinner at a place called Ho Lee Chow. Americanized Chinese food. We got orange chicken, which was really good but I have to admit that it’s not as good as Panda Express orange chicken.
Next day, we found ourselves outside one of the entertainment buildings. I don’t know much about Kpop bands, but I think by the abundance of fan graffiti on one side of the building I can tell you that BIG BANG is with that entertainment group. Then, it was a shopping area where we encountered a celebrity!

Well, sort of.

What we saw was a crowd of people around a store and then one of the celeb vans they have here. I never got a glance at who it was, but apparently it was an actress from a Kdrama I’ve never seen.

Last thing we went to was the coex mall, which was mostly closed for construction. They left the most expensive places open -- of course -- and so we decided to just go to the aquarium. This turned out to be much more interesting than I thought, because they had some cool designs. Also -- sardine feeding. Sounds lame, but it was in fact cool. 

When I got back home from Seoul it was close to 10pm. We took the fast train back, which I'm glad we did because I was pretty much ready to go to bed. 

Aaaand, that's it. This recap is kind of all over the place, but that's what happens when you try to play catch-up with a blog. Next blog post will be up sooner, I promise!

Thanks for reading. :)

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